you, yes YOU, could win a copy of Bleem! and VGS,
A bleem! T-shirt, or a cd of videogame remixes!!

"Wow that's cool, but what do I have to do??"

well, we're glad you asked . . MatriDX, composer
extraordinaire, has put together a 10 minute long
medley of remixed videogame tunes!! It's epic, it's awesome, we love it, and you will too . . it's about
3meg, in IT format (playable in winamp)

GET IT HERE (click)

now, it's simple - be the first to email me
identifying ALL the songs used, from which games,
and where in the games, and you get a copy of Bleem! AND a copy of Connectix Virtual Game Station, for
your emulating pleasure . . second place gets bleem!
and a bleem! t-shirt, third place gets a CD with
selected OverClocked remixes on it . . so what
have you got to lose, except valuable time and
sanity?? EMAIL ME when you think you've
got it . . . . . be advised, one and ONLY one theme
in the piece is original, i.e. not from a game . . .